home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- # fileselect.tcl --
- # simple file selector.
- #
- # Mario Jorge Silva msilva@cs.Berkeley.EDU
- # University of California Berkeley Ph: +1(510)642-8248
- # Computer Science Division, 571 Evans Hall Fax: +1(510)642-5775
- # Berkeley CA 94720
- #
- # Layout:
- #
- # file: +----+
- # ____________________ | OK |
- # +----+
- #
- # +------------------+ Cancel
- # | .. |S
- # | file1 |c
- # | file2 |r
- # | |b
- # | filen |a
- # | |r
- # +------------------+
- # currrent-directory
- #
- # Copyright 1993 Regents of the University of California
- # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
- # software and its documentation for any purpose and without
- # fee is hereby granted, provided that this copyright
- # notice appears in all copies. The University of California
- # makes no representations about the suitability of this
- # software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without
- # express or implied warranty.
- #
- # Copyright 1996
- # Slight modifications to and adoption to Tk4.0 were made to this
- # fileselectionbox code by Lakshmi Sastry, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory,
- # chilton, Didcot, OXON, OX11 0QX, UK.
- # You can now type in a non-existing file name as well. This file name is
- # returned for the application to open a new file to write to
- # AGOCG Tcl/Tk Cookbook
- # Authors
- # Lakshmi Sastry
- # Computing and Information Systems Department
- # Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Didcot. OX11 0QX
- # lakshmi.sastry@rl.ac.uk
- # and
- # Venkat VSS Sastry
- # Department of Applied Mathematics and Operational Research
- # Cranfield University, RMCS Shrivenham, Swindon, SN6 8LA
- # sastry@rmcs.cran.ac.uk
- # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
- # software and its documentation for any purpose and without
- # fee is hereby granted, provided that this copyright
- # notice appears in all copies.
- # The authors, RAL, RMCS Shrivenham, Cranfield University and AGOCG
- # make no representations about the suitability of this
- # software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without
- # express or implied warranty. Likewise they accept no responsibility
- # whatsoever for any public domain software modules used (which are
- # hereby acknowledged) in this software
- # names starting with "fileselect" are reserved by this module
- # no other names used.
- # use the "option" command for further configuration
- option add *Listbox*font \
- "-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-p-*-iso8859-1" startupFile
- option add *Entry*font \
- "-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-p-*-iso8859-1" startupFile
- option add *Label*font \
- "-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-p-*-iso8859-1" startupFile
- set lscmd "/bin/ls | sed 's/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/g' | sed 's/\"/\\\\\\\\\\\\\"/g' | sed 's/^/\"/' | sed 's/$/\"/'"
- set device ""
- # this is the default proc called when "OK" is pressed
- # to indicate yours, give it as the first arg to "fileselect"
- proc fileselect.default.cmd {f} {
- global fileselect loadenable
- set fileselect(selectedfile) $f
- #puts stderr "selected file $f"
- }
- # this is the default proc called when error is detected
- # indicate your own pro as an argument to fileselect
- proc fileselect.default.errorHandler {errorMessage} {
- puts stdout "error: $errorMessage"
- catch { cd ~ }
- }
- # this is the proc that creates the file selector box
- proc fileselect {
- {cmd fileselect.default.cmd}
- {purpose "Select file:"}
- {w .fileSelectWindow}
- {errorHandler fileselect.default.errorHandler}} {
- catch {destroy $w}
- toplevel $w
- grab $w
- wm title $w "Select Disk or Cartrige File"
- wm transient $w .
- wm geometry $w +0+22
- # path independent names for the widgets
- global fileselect
- global selected
- global lscmd
- global device
- global system
- global appdir
- set fileselect(devlist) $w.file.eframe.devlist
- set fileselect(entry) $w.file.eframe.entry
- set fileselect(list) $w.file.sframe.list
- set fileselect(scroll) $w.file.sframe.scroll
- set fileselect(insert) $w.bframe.insert
- set fileselect(done) $w.bframe.done
- set fileselect(eject) $w.bframe.eject
- set fileselect(dirlabel) $w.file.dirlabel
- # widgets
- frame $w.file -bd 10
- frame $w.bframe -bd 10
- pack append $w \
- $w.file {left filly} \
- $w.bframe {left expand frame n}
- frame $w.file.eframe
- frame $w.file.sframe
- label $w.file.dirlabel -anchor e -width 24 -text [pwd]
- pack append $w.file \
- $w.file.eframe {top frame w} \
- $w.file.sframe {top fillx} \
- $w.file.dirlabel {top frame w}
- spinbox $w.file.eframe.devlist -textvariable device
- set fl [open "| \"$appdir/listdevs.sh\" $system"]
- set values [list]
- while {[eof $fl] == 0} {
- gets $fl dev
- if {[eof $fl] == 0} {
- lappend values $dev
- }
- }
- if {[catch {close $fl} err]} {
- puts "Failed to read $system device list: $err"
- }
- $w.file.eframe.devlist configure -values $values
- label $w.file.eframe.label -anchor w -width 24 -text $purpose
- entry $w.file.eframe.entry -relief sunken
- pack append $w.file.eframe \
- $w.file.eframe.devlist {top} \
- $w.file.eframe.label {top expand frame w} \
- $w.file.eframe.entry {top fillx frame w}
- scrollbar $w.file.sframe.yscroll -relief sunken \
- -command "$w.file.sframe.list yview"
- listbox $w.file.sframe.list -relief sunken -selectmode single \
- -yscroll "$w.file.sframe.yscroll set"
- #$fileselect(list) configure -selectmode single
- pack append $w.file.sframe \
- $w.file.sframe.yscroll {right filly} \
- $w.file.sframe.list {left expand fill}
- # buttons
- button $w.bframe.insert -text Insert -relief raised -padx 10 \
- -command "fileselect.insert.cmd $w $cmd $errorHandler"
- button $w.bframe.done -text Done -relief raised -padx 10 \
- -command "fileselect.done.cmd $w"
- button $w.bframe.eject -text Eject -relief raised -padx 10 \
- -command "fileselect.eject.cmd $w"
- pack append $w.bframe $w.bframe.insert {top}\
- $w.bframe.eject {top} $w.bframe.done {top}
- # Fill the listbox with a list of the files in the directory (run
- # the "/bin/ls" command to get that information).
- # to not display the "." files, remove the -a option and fileselect
- # will still work
- $fileselect(list) insert end ".."
- foreach i [exec /bin/sh -c $lscmd] {
- $fileselect(list) insert end $i
- }
- # Set up bindings for the browser.
- bind $fileselect(entry) <Return> {eval $fileselect(insert) invoke}
- bind $fileselect(entry) <Control-c> {eval $fileselect(done) invoke}
- bind $fileselect(list) <Button-1> {
- # puts stderr "button 1 release"
- set x [$fileselect(list) curselection]
- $fileselect(entry) delete 0 end
- $fileselect(entry) insert 0 [%W get [%W nearest %y]]
- }
- bind $fileselect(list) <Key> {
- set x [$fileselect(list) curselection]
- $fileselect(entry) delete 0 end
- $fileselect(entry) insert 0 [%W get [%W nearest %y]]
- }
- bind $fileselect(list) <Double-ButtonPress-1> {
- # puts stderr "double button 1"
- set x [$fileselect(list) curselection]
- $fileselect(entry) delete 0 end
- $fileselect(entry) insert 0 [%W get [%W nearest %y]]
- $fileselect(insert) invoke
- }
- bind $fileselect(list) <Return> {
- set x [$fileselect(list) curselection]
- $fileselect(entry) delete 0 end
- $fileselect(entry) insert 0 [%W get [%W nearest %y]]
- $fileselect(insert) invoke
- }
- # set kbd focus to entry widget
- focus $fileselect(entry)
- }
- # auxiliary button procedures
- proc fileselect.done.cmd {w} {
- # puts stderr "Done"
- global fileselect loadenable
- set fileselect(selectedfile) ""
- set loadenable 0
- destroy $w
- }
- proc fileselect.eject.cmd {w} {
- # puts stderr "Eject"
- global fileselect loadenable
- set fileselect(selectedfile) ":UNLOAD:"
- destroy $w
- }
- proc fileselect.insert.cmd {w cmd errorHandler} {
- global fileselect
- global selected
- global lscmd
- set selected [$fileselect(entry) get]
- # some nasty file names may cause "file isdirectory" to return an error
- set sts [catch {
- file isdirectory $selected
- } errorMessage ]
- if { $sts != 0 } then {
- $errorHandler $errorMessage
- destroy $w
- return
- }
- # clean the text entry and prepare the list
- $fileselect(entry) delete 0 end
- $fileselect(list) delete 0 end
- $fileselect(list) insert end ".."
- # perform globbing on the selection.
- # If globing returns an error (no match) check if a non-null name is
- # entered. If name string is non-empty return it as a new file name
- # else give an error message.
- # If resulting list length > 1, put the list on the file listbox and return
- # If globing expands to a list of filenames in multiple directories,
- # the indicated regexp is invalid and the error handler is called instead.
- set globlist 0
- set sts [catch {
- set globlist [glob [list $selected]]
- } errorMessage ]
- if { $sts != 0 } then {
- if { [llength $globlist] == 1 } {
- destroy $w
- $cmd $selected
- return
- } else {
- $errorHandler $errorMessage
- destroy $w
- return
- }
- }
- if {[llength $globlist] > 1} {
- if {[regexp "/" $globlist] != 0} {
- $errorHandler [list "Invalid regular expression, " $selected, "."]
- destroy $w
- return
- }
- foreach i $globlist {
- if {[string compare $i "."] != 0 && \
- [string compare $i ".."] != 0} {
- $fileselect(list) insert end $i
- }
- }
- return
- }
- # selection may be a directory. Expand it.
- if {[file isdirectory $selected] != 0} {
- cd $selected
- set dir [pwd]
- $fileselect(dirlabel) configure -text $dir
- foreach i [exec /bin/sh -c $lscmd] {
- $fileselect(list) insert end $i
- }
- return
- }
- destroy $w
- $cmd $selected
- }